Heeling2 + boční tlapky

Hned, jak to šlo, jsme s Bubíškem vyzkoušely Silviinu radu a kupodivu (tramtadadááá) to zafungovalo a trpaslík se trochu zkoncentrovala. Někdy si myslím, že Silvie funguje spíš jako placebo:o), ale zaplať příroda za to:o))).

your advice as usually worked:o))). Should I continue with target or can I give it away?
Side 2on2off: what she offers depend on what target I show her. It means without this white target she offers hind legs up and I have no chance to show her this time I want something different.
And one more things -- verbal cues. She usually offers the same thing until I try to name it. Immediately I say a word (new cue), she gets crazy and starts to offer EVERYTHING but the behavior we did 5second before!

And on the picture is Bubu´s TAM (CAP) on full high M with weather we have:o))).

naslovna23Cool, great position also on a low target now! Maybe best to name it now that the target is still helping you cue the behaviour? Or do you think she would try something else also in this case? Can you video it to see? After adding a cue, you can also try it without the target yes.

Side legs look great to me too -- great balance already and all ready to start fading it. I would start using a cue + start making it more&more vertical until she can do it against the wall and then try a chair or another empty object.

Cool cap as well -- and even your weather looks better as ours at the moment! :) -- Snowing again here…

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Mgr. Svatava Stodolová


E-mail: svatava.stodolova@seznam.cz



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