4in, pivot, heeling, cavaletti + komentář

Silvie je z mistrovství světa doma a zase se začalo cvičit. My jsme se s Bubu většinu času flákaly, ale pár klikacích lekcí jsme v pauze měly. Bubíšek už krásně drží balanc v malý krabičce, takže jsem si řekla, že jí ještě o kousek zmenším. I přes trochu šílené pojetí si odškrtneme pivoting na targetu, i když na něm ještě budeme pracovat. No a rovnání do heel pozice je bžundózní, takže se budeme držet Silviiných rad ohledně užívání targetu. Hned dneska to musím zkusit:o). Moje nepochopení kavaletů je víc než zřejmé, takže i to dneska poupravíme:o))).

4in -- Bubu´s stability gets better. I will make a box little bit smaller:o).
pivot -- one circle goes well, one or another side; I will add a cue and make it multiple
heeling -- my left leg is perfect, right leg…:o))). I know the video is quite long but I would like you to see the whole process. It looks like this most of our learning time.
cavaletti -- I can´t even imagine she will walk once:o)))


Not only La, all of you were in Liberec SIMPLY THE BEST. It looks as easy as breathing when you run with Bu and La and Le is sure the fastest dog in medium. I love her runs! Congratulations!

 naslovna23Oh yes, great balance with 4in! Great pivoting and position at your left side too, but yes, right still needs work. Maybe always start with just circles (without you in the picture) to remind her what you want? And maybe only work on that side on a target and practice left side without the target already – it looks like she doesn’t need it for the left side anyway? So it might be less confusing if you always only reward the other direction when she is on a target. For cavaletti, those boxes won’t work for now no :) Try to set just poles on the ground – that should do the trick!

Thanks and yes, it is easy with La and Bu! And I guess it will get easier and less “hysterical” with Le one day too! :)

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Mgr. Svatava Stodolová


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